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When you need something a little extra…

Look at this as our ala carte menu, where you can order what you like, and it’s easy on the budget.

twthinkgreatYour Blog:  $11.99/month or $86/year (40% savings)

Your Business Website:  $45/month or $325/year (40% savings)

Full-featured Website Creation:  Premium theme with modifications and additions to suit your specific business.  $2250, one time fee.  (no discount)  Allow 6-8 weeks.

Ecommerce Solution:  $325, one time fee.  (no discount)

Ecommerce Management:  $115/mo or $825/year (40% savings)

Logo:  $94, one time fee.  (one time discount)

Domain name ideas:  Free!  We’d love to brainstorm with you.

Blog Content:  Negotiable, depending on need.  For example, three posts per week: two with 200-400 original words & at least one graphic, and a second post referencing a topical video, article, product, or service.  Includes all formatting, necessary maintenance, and monitoring comments for spam, concerns, and information requests.

Internet Marketing Management:  Negotiable, depending on need.  For example, daily  Tweets and Facebook posts with necessary links & graphics.

Discounts, Pick One:  Pay your bill for the year and we’ll take 40% off the regular price.  Clients of Vocational Rehab get a 50% discount for the first year.  Same for 501c3 non-for-profit organizations.  Kids 18 & under receive half-off pricing too.  Additional sites are 50% off.

Tell Your Friends:  Refer a new customer and get the equivalent of 1 month free.

No Charge Convenience Calls:  Free to any Twirligig customer.  You’ve lost your password or can’t figure out how to change your menu?  We’re here.  No worries, remember to breathe, we’ll have it all straightened out in a jiffy.  Forgot to renew your site last month and worried you’ve lost it forever?  No, don’t panic.  We have you covered.  That’s why you chose Twirligig in the first place.  We’re here to take care of your website so you don’t have to worry.  Happy internet trails!